Rice - Cibra Fertilizantes


Brazil is the largest producer and consumer of rice outside Asia.
It is one of the main foods in the Brazilian diet,
with high nutritional value.


The rice crop has wide adaptation to the soil, and has its planting in several regions of Brazil.

What do you need to know

Potassium and nitrogen fertilization along with micronutrients provide the nutrition necessary for rice farming to achieve greater productivity.

The rice crop is one of the main crops grown in the States of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, however, other Brazilian regions have introduced this crop in their rotations, aiming at opening new agricultural areas, due to the resilience in aluminized soils producing in conditions rainfed, without flooding of agricultural areas.

In order to reach the highest productive levels of the crop, potassium and nitrogen fertilization are of paramount importance for rice farming, given the consumption of the crop, which follows an order of priority of extraction in the soil according to the following order: potassium (K ) > nitrogen (N) > calcium (Ca) > phosphorus (P) > sulfur (S) > magnesium (Mg).

Allied to the consumption of macronutrients are those of micronutrients that follow the following order of extraction: manganese (Mn) > iron (Fe) > zinc (Zn) > copper (Cu) > boron (B) > molybdenum (Mo). In order to meet the demand for nutrients balanced by the crop, Cibra has the fertilizer lines CibraMix, Nitrocap and BaseFort, which have the ideal requirement of nutrients to meet the needs of agricultural crops throughout the production cycle.

Principais Deficiências

Main Deficiencies

Pragas do arroz

Pragas subterrâneas ou pragas de solo:
são insetos que se alimentam de sementes,
após a semeadura, e das raízes das plantas

  • Cupins
    Cornitermes, Heterotermes, Procornitermes spp., Procornitermes triacifer, Syntermes molestus
  • Percevejo do colmo
    Tibraca limbativentris
  • Percevejos das panículas
    Oebalus poecilus, Oebalus ypsilongriseus, Oebalus grisescens
  • Cigarrinhas
    Deois flavopicta, Deois incompleta, Deois schac, Deois flexuosa, Zulia entreriana
  • Lagarta militar
    Spodoptera frugiperda
  • Curuquerê dos capinzais
    Mocis latipes
  • Broca do colo
    Elasmopalpus lignosellus
  • Broca do colmo
    Diatraea saccharalis, Rupela albinella
  • Cascudos pretos
    Euetheola humilis, Dyscinetus dubius, Stenocrates sp.
  • Gorgulhos aquáticos
    Oryzophagus oryzae, Lissorhoptrus tibialis, Helodytes faveolatus, Neobagous sp., Hydrotimetes

Doenças do arroz

Doenças foliares:

  • Brusone
    Pyricularia grisea, Pyricularia oryzae Cav., Mangnaporte grisea
  • Mancha parda
    Dreschslera oryzae, Bipolaris oryzae, Helminthosporium oryzae, Cochiliobolus miyabeanbus
  • Escaldadura
    Microdochium oryzae, Gerlachia oryzae, Rhynchosporium oryzae, Monographella albescens
  • Manchas nos grãos
    Phoma sorghina, Dreschslera oryzae, Alternaria padwickii, Microdochium oryzae, Sarocladium oryzae, Drechslera, Curvularia spp., Nigrosporoa sp., Fusarium spp, Pseudomonas fuscovagina, Erwinia spp.
  • Queima da bainha
    Rhizoctonia solani Kühn, Rhizoctonia oryzae, Thanatephorus cucumeris
  • Mancha estreita
    Cercospora janseana
  • Mancha circular
    Alternaria padwickii
  • Podridão de bainha
    Sarocladium oryzae
  • Podridão de colmo
    Nakataea sigmoidea, Sclerotium oryzae, Magnaporthe salvinii
  • Carvão da folha
    Entyloma oryzae
  • Carvão
    Tilletia barclayana
  • Falso carvão
    Ustilaginoidia virens
  • Ponta branca
    Aphelenchoides besseyi
  • Nematoide de galhas
    Meloidogyne javanica
  • Mal do colo
    Fusarium oxysporum
  • Lista parda
    Erwinia sp.
Outras Culturas
Others Crops
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