Potato is one of the most cultivated vegetables in Brazil, today more than 100 thousand hectares of agricultural land are destined for its production.

What do you need to know

Differentiated fertilizers combine macronutrients and micronutrients to provide complete nutrition throughout the potato growing cycle.
Its production is mainly distributed in the states of Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul. In order for us to obtain a good yield in the formation and filling of tubers, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) play a fundamental role in this action. They are the ones who will guarantee a good production, on the other hand, if not supplied correctly, they can limit the plant’s production.
In addition to macronutrients, we also know that zinc (Zn) and boron (B) are some of the micronutrients that play a fundamental role in plant development, acting mainly in its growth.
A high productivity management has to contain micronutrients, making the nutrition of the potato balanced, for this CibraMix brings with it, in addition to the NPK formulation, micronutrients incorporated into the phosphorus granule, ensuring a homogeneous distribution of these nutrients during the development of the crop cycle. , increasing its productive potential and tuber filling.
Principais Deficiências
Main Deficiencies
Potato’s Nitrogen Deficiency (N)
It participates in several stages of the plant’s metabolic process and is a constituent of several compounds such as nucleic acids, amino acids and chlorophyll.
It is converted into amino acids, protein-building units, bases for plant growth and development, and enzymes, proteins specialized in the catalysis of biological reactions, necessary for the enzymatic reactions of plants. It acts on the partition of photoassimilates to the tubers.
Deficiency – Causes chlorosis mainly of the older leaves, less vigorous plants, with slow growth, thin stems, short internodes and erect leaves, in addition to producing small and lesser tubers; when N deficiency is severe, there may be necrotic spots and leaf abscission. In sandy soils and poor in organic matter, which did not receive nitrogen fertilization.
Potato’s Phosphorus Deficiency (P)
It has considerable importance in carbon metabolism. It is also responsible for storing energy in photosynthesis and respiration, as well as energy for protein synthesis reactions, biological nitrogen fixation, ionic absorption, and others.
Deficiency – Causes growth delay, and chlorotic areas with necrotic spots appear on old leaves, causing premature defoliation, reducing the production of commercial roots.
Fewer tubers, smaller tubers, stunted plants, yellowing of older leaves, younger small dark green leaves. P deficiency leads to reduced early vigor, delayed maturation and reduced yields.
Potato’s Potassium Deficiency (K)
Its main function is as an enzyme activator, such as kinases and synthetases. Also a fundamental physiological function to plants, which would be the opening and closing of stomata.
It has a decisive influence on the formation of tuberous roots and on the flavor, which is the nutrient used in greater quantity by the culture. It is necessary for the translocation of sugars, synthesis of starch and, therefore, for obtaining high yields of tubers of good quality.
Deficiency – Deficient plants are small and compact; the foliage has a wilted appearance because the leaves arch down; under conditions of severe deficiency, the margins and apices of older leaves initially become yellowish, brown in color, and later become necrotic.
Potato’s Calcium Deficiency (Ca)
Calcium is a fundamental component of cell walls, helping to build a strong structure and ensuring cell stability. Calcium-enriched cell walls are more resistant to bacterial or fungal attack.
Calcium also helps the plant adapt to stress by influencing the signal chain reaction when stress occurs. It also plays a key role in regulating the active transport of potassium to stomatal opening.
Deficiency – The plants have yellow leaves curled around the upper leaves, burns at the tip and small chlorotic leaves. Deficiency interferes with root growth, causes deformation of foliage growth tips, which can result in reduced yields and poor quality. Calcium-deficient potato tubers have reduced storage capacity.
Potato’s Magnesium Deficiency (Mg)
Magnesium plays a central role in photosynthesis, as its atom is present at the center of each chlorophyll molecule.
It is also involved in several key steps in the production of sugar and protein, as well as the transport of sugars in the form of sucrose from the leaves to the tubers.
Deficiency – Leaves turn yellow and brown, leaves wither and die. Stunted plants, early maturation of the crop. Poor skin finish on the tubers. Deficiency results in reduced tuber formation and lower yields. Magnesium-deficient tubers are more easily damaged during lifting and storage.
Potato’s Sulfur Deficiency (S)
Synthesis of essential amino acids cyst and methionine.
Sulfur reduces the level of common and powdery scabies.
Deficiency – Causes growth reduction, and leaves turn pale green or yellow. The number of sheets is reduced.
Potato’s Iron Deficiency (Fe)
Actively participates in the synthesis of chlorophyll.
Deficiency – Appear first on younger leaves. The interveinal areas become chlorotic while the veins remain green. In cases of severe deficiency, the entire leaf is chlorotic.
Potato’s Manganese Deficiency (Mn)
Fundamental in the process of photosynthesis.
Deficiency – symptoms are observed in young leaves, which have interveinal chlorosis and the appearance of small, round brown or black spots.
These punctuations occur in clusters near the midrib towards the basal area of the leaflets, with the petioles generally remaining green and without symptoms; however, excess Mn is more common, causing irregular necrotic lesions on leaves and stems.
Potato’s Zinc Deficiency (Zn)
It acts in the synthesis of Auxins.
Deficiency – Young leaves become chlorotic (light green or yellow), narrow, upward and develop point burns. Other leaf symptoms are green veins, patches of dead tissue, spots and an upright appearance.
Potato’s Copper Deficiency (Cu)
Influences on nitrogen and carbohydrate metabolism.
Deficiency – Young leaves become flaccid and wilted, terminal buds fall off in flower bud development, and leaf tips become necrotic.
Potato’s Boron Deficiency (B)
Cell wall formation. Germination and elongation of the pollen tube.
It participates in metabolism and regulates the transport of sugars across membranes, and also plays a key role in cell division, cell development, and auxin metabolism.
Deficiency – Growth buds die, plants appear creeping, having shorter internodes. The leaves thicken and roll up, the leaf tissue darkens and collapses. Brown necrotic spots appear on tubers, and internal rust spots are formed.
Fertilizantes Indicados
Indicated Fertilizers
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Pragas da batata
Pragas das raízes do algodoeiro,
pragas das folhas e hastes
pragas das estruturas frutíferas.
- Vaquinha ou larva-alfinete
Diabrotica speciosa - Pulgões
Macrosiphum euphorbiae e Myzus persicae - Mosca-minadora
Liriomyza spp. - Traça
Phthorimaea operculella - Cigarrinha
Empoasca spp.
- Lagarta-rosca
Agrotis ípsilon - Burrinho ou vaquinha-da-batata
Epicauta atomaria e Epicauta suturalis - Mosca-branca
Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) biótipo B - Lagartas desfolhadoras
Spodoptera eridania, Spodoptera fugiperda
- Besouros
Phyrdenus muriceus, Conoderus scalaris, Epitrix spp., Dyscinetus planatus - Cochonilha-branca
Pseudococcus maritimus - Formiga “lava-pé”
Solenopsis saevissima - Ácaro-branco
Polyphagotarsonemus latus
Doenças da batata
Doenças foliares:
- Requeima, mela, míldio, mufa, preteadeira, fitóftora ou crestamento-da-fitóftora
Phytophthora infestans - Pinta -preta ou mancha-de-alternaria, alternária e crestamento-foliar
Alternaria solani, Alternaria grandis - Rizoctoniose, crosta-preta ou alfalto
Rhizoctonia solani - Sarna-pulverulenta, sarna ou espongóspora
Spongospora subterrânea - Podridão-seca e olho-preto
Fusarium spp. - Olho-pardo
Cylindrocladium clavatum
- Sarna-prateada
Helminthosporium solani - Murcha-bacteriana, murchadeira, água quente ou dormideira
Ralstonia solanacearum - Podridão-mole e canela-preta
Pectobacterium spp., Dickeya spp., Erwinia spp. - Sarna-comum, sarna-estrela, sarna-profunda ou ferruginho
Streptomyces spp. - Pipoca, nematoide ou nematoide-das-galhas
Meloidogyne spp. - Nematoide-da-pinta ou nematoide-das-lesões
Pratylenchus spp.
- Nematoide-do-cisto
Globodera rostochiensis, Globodera pallida - Falso-nematoide-das-galhas
Nacobbus aberrans - Enrolamento das folhas
Potato leafroll virus – PLRV - Mosaico
Potato virus Y – PVY - Clorose
Tomato chlorotic virus – ToCV - Mosaico-deformante
Tomato yellow vein streak virus – ToYVSV; Tomato severe rugose virus – ToSRV - Vira-cabeça
Tomato spotted wilt virus – TSWV; Groundnut ringspot virus – GRSV; Tomato chlorotic spot virus – TSCV