Wheat - Cibra Fertilizantes


Second most cultivated cereal in
the world, after corn.


Brazil produces 30% of the world’s grain production.

What do you need to know

The wheat crop demands nitrogen, phosphate and potassium fertilizers to obtain better results and achieve high productivity.

The wheat crop has been used by our civilization for about 10,000 years and until the present day wheat has been cultivated and consumed by the entire world population.

The use of flour, which after fermentation results in rudimentary bread, dates back to 4,000 BC and was attributed to Egyptian civilization, however, the perpetuation of this tradition is inserted until the present day, where the consumption of bakery products, cookies and pasta consists of a good portion of our daily diet.

Wheat is a milder climate crop, practiced in regions with lower temperatures in winter periods. Adequate wheat production is highly dependent on proper management and balanced soil fertilization.

Based on crop extraction data, its nutritional requirements and grain exports, we can see that the demand for nitrogen, phosphate and potassium fertilizers is high, in this scenario, Cibra has the fertilizer lines CibraMix and Nitrocap, which can significantly help to support the farmer in the face of the demand for inputs for the wheat crop, bringing better results and seeking higher productive levels of the crop.

Principais Deficiências

Main Deficiencies

Pragas do trigo

Pragas das raízes do algodoeiro,
pragas das folhas e hastes
pragas das estruturas frutíferas.

  • Pulgão-do-colmo-do-trigo
    Rhopalosiphum padi
  • Pulgão-da-folha-do-trigo
    Metopolophium dirhodum
  • Pulgão-da-espiga-do-trigo
    Sitobion avenae
  • Pulgão-verde-dos-cereais
    Schizaphis graminum
  • Lagartas-do-trigo
    Pseudaletia adultera e Pseudaletia sequax
  • Lagarta-militar
    Spodoptera frugiperda
  • Percevejos-barriga-verde
    Dichelops furcatus e Dichelops melacanthus
  • Coró-das-pastagens
    Diloboderus abderus
  • Coró-do-trigo
    Phyllophaga triticophaga
  • Gorgulho-do-milho
    Sitophilus zeamais
  • Gorgulho-do-arroz
    Sitophilus oryzae
  • Besourinho-dos-cereais
    Rhyzopertha dominica

Doenças do trigo

Doenças foliares:

  • Estria bacteriana
    Xanthomonas translucens pv. Ondulosa
  • Brusone
    Pyricularia oryzae
  • Mancha marrom
    Bipolaris sorokinian
  • Mancha amarela da folha
    Drechslera tritici-repentis
  • Nanismo amarelo da cevada
    Vírus Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) e o Cereal yellow dwarf virus (CYDV)
  • Mosaico do trigo
    Vírus Soil-borne wheat mosaic vírus, que é transmitido pelo fungo Polymyxa graminis
  • Oídio
    Blumeria graminis f. sp. Tritici
  • Ferrugem da folha
    Puccinia triticin
  • Giberela
    Gibberella zeae ou Fusarium graminearum
Outras Culturas
Others Crops
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