Grape - Cibra Fertilizantes


50% is destined for processing, for the elaboration of wines, juices
and other derivatives, and 50% is marketed as table grapes.


The viniculture occupies more than 78,000 hectares in Brazilian territory, and the production of grapes is around 1.5 million tons/year. 

What do you need to know

CibraMix fertilizers provide nine important nutrients for the vine’s reproductive process, in addition, they favor stable growth.

Currently the vine culture occupies more than 75,000 hectares in the Brazilian territory, the market mainly of vitiviniculture is in great expansion, heating the internal market of wines.

The grape culture, despite presenting a very rustic characteristic in terms of nutritional requirements, it is quite responsive when we consider a balanced supply of nutrients, both in terms of quality and in the production of sugars, providing a higher quality of the final product.

Cibra offers a range of fertilizers from the CibraMix line, which in a balanced way provides nine nutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), sulfur (S), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), boron (B) and zinc (Zn), essential for the development of crops, such as boron (B), a micronutrient of extreme importance in the reproductive process of the vine, which favors the synthesis of nucleic acids inducing the growth, in addition, favors fertilization, interfering with the germination of pollen grains, giving a greater production of berries.

Principais Deficiências

Main Deficiencies

Pragas da uva

Pragas das raízes do algodoeiro,
pragas das folhas e hastes
pragas das estruturas frutíferas.

  • Cochonilhas-do-tronco
    Hemiberlesia lataniae, Duplaspidiotus tesseratus
  • Cochonilhas-algodonosas
    Pseudococcus spp. e Planococcus spp.
  • Ácaro branco
    Polyphagotarsonemus latus
  • Ácaro rajado
    Tetranychus urticae
  • Mosca-das-frutas
    Anastrepha fraterculus, Ceratitis capitata
  • Coleobroca
    Paramadarus complexus
  • Mosca-branca
    Bemisia argentifolii
  • Tripes
    Selenothrips rubrocinctus, Frankliniella sp
  • Cochonilhas

Doenças da uva

Doenças foliares:

  • Míldio
    Plasmopara vitícola
  • Oídio
    Uncinula necator
  • Ferrugem
    Phakopsora euvitis Y. Ono
  • Mofo cinzento
    Botrytis cinérea
  • Antracnose
    Elsinoe ampelina
  • Fusariose
    Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. herbemontis
  • Declínio da videira
    Eutypa sp.
  • Podridão da uva madura
    Glomerella cingulata
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