Apple - Cibra Fertilizantes


This culture is quite demanding in cultural practices, especially
with regard to handling, pruning and phytosanitary treatments.


Brazil is in 13th place in the world in production, with a volume of about 1.1 million tons of the fruit.

What do you need to know

Phosphorus (P) is the macronutrient most required by the apple crop, because without this element, cell division and growth are not possible.

China is the largest apple producer in the world, this world power and the United States of America together are responsible for more than 50% of world production. Brazil is in 13th place in production. Apple orchards in Brazil are basically concentrated in the south of the country, mainly in the states of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul.

Apple production is challenging. It requires an attentive look at the quality of the fruit, which will be consumed, to a large extent, in natura. The apple crop is quite demanding in cultural practices, especially with regard to handling, pruning and phytosanitary treatments.

Regarding the nutrient demand of this cultivar, speaking of macronutrients, phosphorus (P) is the most required by the culture, because without this element, cell division and growth are not possible, since phosphorus deficiency reduces growth. and fruit maturation, causing large production losses. In relation to micronutrients, boron deficiency (B) is the one that most affects the apple crop, since the lack of boron increases the loss of phosphorus by the roots, which impairs the development in the formation of flowers, which are not very fertile. and can still cause a reduction in root growth.

Principais Deficiências

Main Deficiencies

Pragas da maçã

Pragas das raízes do algodoeiro,
pragas das folhas e hastes
pragas das estruturas frutíferas.

  • Mosca-das-frutas
    Anastrepha fraterculus
  • Grafolita
    Grafolita molesta
  • Ácaro-vermelho
    Panonychus ulmi
  • Lagarta-enroladeira
    Bonagota cranaodes

Doenças da maçã

Doenças foliares:

  • Sarna-da-macieira
    Venturia inaequalis
  • Mancha foliar da ’Gala’
    Glomerella cingulata /Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Colletotrichum spp
  • Podridão-amarga
    Glomerella cingulata/C. gloesporioides e por C. acutatum.
  • Cancros-dos-ramos, podridão-branca e podridão-preta
    Botryosphaeria dothidea = B. beringeriana = B. ribis spp., Botryosphaeria obtusa Physalospora malorum
  • Podridão-olho-de-boi e cancro-perene
    Pezicula malicorticis/Cryptosporiopsis perennans
  • Podridão-carpelar
    Alternaria ssp., Fusarium ssp., Botrytis cinerea, Botryosphaeria dothidea e Cryptosporiopsis perennan.
  • Podridão-de-Armillaria
    Armillariella mellea
  • Podridão-do-colo e podridão-das-raízes
    Phytophthora cactorum e Phytophthora spp
  • Roseliniose
    Rosellinia necatrix/Dematophora necatrix
  • Xilariose, cortiça ou podridão-pretadas-raízes
    Xylaria e Xylaria ssp
  • Podridão-por-Sclerotium causada por Sclerotium rolfsii
    Sclerotium rolfsii.
  • Podridão-brancapor-Corticium
    Corticium galactinum
  • Podridão por Rhizoctonia solani e Fusarium spp
    Rhizoctonia solani e Fusarium spp
  • Podridão-por-Penicillium ou mofo-azul
    Penicillium expansum
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